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The smart way to call.

Holiday in Italy - call home cheap

Call home cheap from your holiday in Italy to Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway, ...

Dial our access number in Rome, Italy:

06 45200157

Costs for a call to an italian landline number apply
Dial this number from an italian phone to save the most.
Please check the rates for local calls at your hotel or rates for local calls from a phone booth/phone cabin in Italy.
If you are using your mobile phone in Italy you will be charged high roaming costs.

When prompted simply type in the number you would like to call followed by the hash key (#). Example: 4917012345678# to call a german mobile number.

When prompted enter your paysafecard PIN to start your call.

Buy your paysafecard in Italy

Our system accepts EURO paysafecards only. Please buy it in Italy once there or before you start your holiday in your own country if your currency is EURO.
Find the next paysafecard point of sale in Italy or anywhere else.

Call cheap from your holidays with paysafecard

Buy paysafecard

paysafecard is your payment solution for cheap phone calls on woopline.

Get your paysafecard worth €10, €25, €50 or €100, from more than 280,000 sales outlets worldwide and start calling without any further precharging to all worldwide destinations and networks.

When buying a paysafecard you get a 16-digit PIN printout.

Find a paysafecard sales outlet

Buy paysafecard online

Choose to buy paysafecard online or from more than 280.000 points of sale.